I am excited to inform you that in this blog post I will be sharing with you how to prepare Nigerian stew within your budget.
Are you looking for an easy Nigerian stew recipe that does not require a lot of money to cook?
This is a quick stew recipe that completely simplifies cooking Nigerian stew.
With the steps highlighted here, you will be able to reduce your cooking times by several minutes.
Nigerian Stew
Nigerian stew is said to be the most common of all Nigerian dishes you can find in any Nigerian kitchen.
There are so many stew recipes in Nigerian cuisine depending on your budget and the ingredients you intend to use.
Stew can be cooked with beef, chicken, turkey, fish, assorted meat and many more.
You may want to check out some of my other special stew recipes listed below.
The interesting thing about Nigerian stew and the reason for its popularity is because it can combine well with numerous Nigerian foods thereby making it a must have.
Below is a list of foods that Nigerian stew is combined with.
- It can be eaten with Eba
- Served with rice as rice and stew
- Mixed with Ogbono Soup to eat fufu and other Nigerian swallow
- Cooked with okra as okra stew
- Takes the taste of most Nigerian soups to the next level. Soups such as Egusi Soup
Ingredients for Nigerian stew
- 10 tomatoes
- 6 scotch bonnet pepper
- 4 bell peppers
- 1/2 cup palm oil
- 4 cayenne peppers
- 3 medium size onions
- 1 tablespoon Iru/locust beans
- 1 tablespoon seasoning powder
- 1/2 tablespoon salt
- 3 ponmo ijebu
- 3 eggs
- 2 panla fish
- 5 Bonga fish
Preparing the ingredients for stew
- Peel the skin off the bonga fish and set aside – Learn more on how to do this here
- Clean the ponmo to be used for this recipe and also set aside – Learn more on how to do this here
- Clean tomatoes, scotch bonnet pepper, onions, cayenne pepper and bell pepper in water.
- Add the tomatoes and all the peppers into your blender
- Peel onions and add 2 onions to the peppers in the blender
- Chop the remaining one onion and set aside
- Blend to a rough texture and set aside
- Set your cooker too high heat
- Put the raw eggs in a pot of water
- Place the pot on the cooker and cook the eggs for 15 minutes till the eggs are hard boiled.
- Peel the shell of the boiled eggs and set aside.
Next step is to explain more on how to properly combine the ingredients above to make an amazing Nigerian stew.
How to make Nigerian stew
- Pour the blended tomato and pepper into a colander
- Place a bowl under the colander and sieve out the excess liquid in the blended pepper and tomato mix
- Set your cooker to high heat
- Add palm oil into your sauce pan
- Allow the palm oil heat up by placing the sauce pan on the cooker
- Into the hot oil, add the chopped onion
- Mix and allow to fry for 1-2 minutes
- Add Iru, blended pepper mix, boiled eggs, panla fish, ponmo and bonga fish.
- Add seasoning and salt to taste.
- Mix well and allow fry for 15-20 minutes or till liquid dries enough to your preference.
Delicious stew is ready to be enjoyed with your preferred food.
In my case, I enjoyed eating this stew with beans and rice

The advantage of this stew recipe is that, you can still get a great tasting stew even if you want to reduce the quantity of the scotch bonnet pepper because you do not like spicy food.
To master this recipe, you should visit my channel on YouTube to watch the video recipe. I have made your visit to my channel as simple as ABC.
Just click on the video icon below.
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