March 28, 2025
adoyo drink

Image of Adoyo Drink with honey(left) and plain(right)Today, I will be sharing with you a Nigerian drink recipe called Adoyo Drink. Although it is a drink, It still falls under the Nigerian street food recipes category.

Adoyo is one of the local drinks in Nigeria. It is a a yellowish drink sold in streets and markets by Togolese vendors which is believed by some Nigerians to be one of the Nigerian drinks for weightloss.

Growing up in Lagos Nigeria, I loved drinking adoyo so much that I was always on the lookout waiting for the Togolese vendors who sell it to walk by.

In the big pot of adoyo hawked by the vendors you there are always ice cubes used to chill the drink. Most times, it is sold in small nylons but if you have a cup with you, the vendors will sell into your cup instead of nylons

Honestly, my childhood memories are not complete without reminiscing on the bitter-sweet taste adoyo in my mouth.

Enough of the reminscing before I digress too far from today’s recipe

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These are some of the benefits of Adoyo, to mention a few;

  1. It is rich in powerful antioxidants that helps our body fight free radicals that cause diseases
  2. It is packed with vitamin C and we all know that vitamin C is very good for our body
  3. It is believed to boost body metabolism, aids digestion and prevents constipation.


3⅟₂ liters of Omidun (fermented pap water)

1 Ripe Pineapple

2 Lemons

1 bundle of Lemon grass

The base ingredient for this drink is omidun. Omidun is fermented pap water, it is also called omikan.

In western Nigeria, Yoruba people commonly use omidun to cook herbal drinks that usually contain some roots, herbs and spices as it is believed to cure different ailments such as malaria, fever, diarrhea and so on. But for this recipe, I will be using omidun to make adoyo.


  • Wash the pineapple, lemons and lemon grass properly to remove dirt
  • Peel the pineapple
  • Cut the pineapple flesh into small pieces
  • Slice the lemons whole
  • Save the pineapple peel to be used later
  • Pour 3⅟₂ liters of Omidun into a pot
  • Put the lemon grass
  • Also add the pineapple slices, lemon slices and pineapple peel
  • Cook for 1 hour

Let it cool and it is ready to drink.

Adoyo drink can be served warm like tea. But on a sunny day, it is best enjoyed cold with ice cubes. If you have a sweet tooth, you can add some sugar or honey.

To watch the video recipe of Adoyo drink CLICK HERE

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