March 28, 2025
how to cook rice and simple plantain recipe

Vegetable rice with Fried plantains anf vegetable sauce

This is an easy vegetable rice recipe that you would love. Most times, getting children to eat vegetables may feel daunting.

When this happens, as parents we are tasked with the responsibility of going above and beyond to incorporate vegetables in their daily meals.

Here is an interesting way to incorporate vegetables in our children’s meals and also in our meals as adults.

I am also delighted to share with you a simple and proven way to make the perfect fried plantains at home with no risk of getting burnt.

Before I continue to list the ingredients for this recipe, I have other amazing rice recipes you may like.

Ingredients for vegetable rice

  • 2 cups basmati rice
  • water
  • ½ tablespoon salt
  • ¼ cup vegetable oil
  • 1 cup frozen sweet corn
  • 1 cup green peas

Itemized below is the best way on how to cook rice.

How to boil rice

  • Pour rice into a bowl and add enough water
  • Clean the rice with water – do this as many times as possible till the water is clear
  • Add a lot of clean water into a pot
  • Add the cleaned rice and place on your cooker
  • Set cooker to high heat
  • For a great taste, add salt
  • To have separated rice, add vegetable oil
  • Cover the pot and allow cook for 10 minutes

Perhaps you may be wondering why you have to cook the rice with a lot of water.

This is my most effective cooking tip for cooking perfect rice that is not mushy. In Nigerian local language ‘rice that stands one one’.

As you continue to read, I am sure you would see how I get rid of the excess water to achieve the desired outcome.

While cooking rice, it almost certain that regardless of how big the pot is, the rice water is likely to boil over and cause a mess.

Certainly, when the rice begins to boil over you will have a messy cooker. Many people find this very discouraging because it definitely creates more work to be done in the kitchen.

This cooking hack on how to boil rice will save you a lot of time and energy because it will help you stop your rice water from creating more work after cooking.

Here is what to do immediately you notice that your rice is boiling over.

  • Open the lid of the pot to the side
  • Mix the rice with a spoon
  • Reduce the cooking heat to low heat
  • Cover the pot halfway so that the steam will escape.

The steps listed above will stop the rice water from boiling over.

Don’t worry your rice will still cook properly and evenly.

While the rice is still cooking, I will list below in few steps how to prepare vegetable rice.

How to make vegetable rice

  • Check if the rice is almost cooked by tasting the rice
  • Add the frozen sweet corn and green peas to the boiling rice – you can add other vegetables of your choice like carrots, broccoli etc
  • Mix well and cover the pot – You can cover the pot now and the rice will not boil over
  • Allow the rice cook for about 5 minutes
  • Taste the rice after 5 minutes to ascertain that it is properly cooked
  • Place a clean basket or colander over a big bowl or in your sink
  • Pour the cooked rice into the basket to drain off the excess water and starch
  • When it looks like all the excess water have been drained
  • Pour the rice back into the pot
  • Turn down the heat to low heat to dry up leftover liquid that may still remain.

The last step is necessary because when all the liquid is not properly dried the top of the rice may seem separated but when the rice cools down, the water and the rice will join together.

This may not be a nice sight for anyone who does not like their rice looking joined and mushy.

The cooking methods used to prepare ripe plantains are; frying, boiling, steaming and roasting.

I know it is obvious as seen in the photo above, that the method I would be using to cook my plantains is the frying method.

Sincerely, it is advisable that you fry your plantains last and I will tell you the reason.

The funny reason for this sincere advice is that, for a lover of fried plantains, if you fry the plantains first there is a very high chance that you will finish eating your plantains before the rice is ready.

That said, here is how to fry plantains easily at home. First, here are the ingredients.

Ingredients for fried plantains

  • Ripe plantains
  • Vegetable oil
ripe plantain
Ripe Plantain

How to make fried Plantains at home.

  • Cut the top and the end of the plantains to help you be able to easily peel off the skin
  • Draw a straight opening on the plantain skin
  • Peel off the skin to reveal the edible part of the plantains
  • Get a knife and slice the plantains into the desired size of shape of your choice.
  • You could slice the plantains diagonally, into halves, squares and so on.
  • Set you cooker to high heat
  • Place a clean frying pan on the cooker
  • Add enough oil for frying according to the size of the frying pan – You need to consider the size of the frying pan because the bigger the frying pan the more the vegetable oil.
  • Allow the oil get hot then add the sliced plantains
  • Once you add the plantains you have to monitor the plantains closely
  • As soon as the edges begin to turn brown, it is time to immediately turn the plantains so that the other side can be fried as well.
  • The key factor here is after turning the plantains wait for 30-60 seconds
  • Scoop out the plantains from the hot oil to avoid getting burnt.

Making fried plantains at home is as simple as ABC. The most important thing about getting perfectly fried plantains is the timing.

Once you get the timing properly, you will always have the confidence to fry plantains any day and any time without the fear that it will burn.

Here are some other terrific plantain recipes you should check.

The video of this recipe is also available for free on my YouTube channel. All you need to do is to simply click on the video link below to watch.

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How to boil rice | Fried Plantains Recipe

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