March 13, 2025

Since I developed this recipe, it has been my favourite. You should consider trying this chilli sauce recipe if you love eating spicy foods.

My love for spicy foods can not be over-estimated, but at a point in my life I had to reduce the spiciness in my food whenever I cooked.

After I got married, I realised that my husband and my child did not like eating spicy foods as much as i loved it.

Their tolerance for spicy foods was lower than mine so I had to intentionally reduce the quantity of peppers in my cooking.

I did this because, I believe it is unfair to cook what my family members would not enjoy eating.

Unfortunately, whenever I craved really spicy homemade foods I could not satisfy my cravings because of the compromise I have had to make.

This went on for a while till I developed this green chilli recipe.

Now everyone can enjoy eating what they want without anyone feeling left out.

Before I explain how I use this hot chilli sauce to achieve the level of spiciness I want in my foods, below are the ingredients used for this recipe.

Ingredients for green chilli sauce

  • 400g Green cayenne peppers
  • 400g Green scotch bonnet peppers
  • 4 medium size onions
  • 1/2 tablespoon rosemary
  • 4 bay leaves
  • 1/2 tablespoon fennel
  • 1/2 tablespoon salt
  • 2 ginger roots
  • 8 garlic seeds
  • 1 tablespoon chicken seasoning
  • 1/2 tablespoon cumin
  • 2 cups vegetable oil

Difference between Ofada sauce and green chilli sauce

Ofada sauce and green chilli sauce have the same colour but slightly different ingredients that give both sauces their unique taste and flavour.

The ingredients above can be used to cook ofada sauce with easy changes and additions stated below.

You can also watch my Ofada Sauce Recipe | Ayamase Sauce Recipe

For the cooking oil, you have to use ofada oil or bleached palm oil instead of vegetable oil when cooking ofada sauce.

To buy authentic ofada oil or bleached palm oil check this food store click here

To cook ayamase sauce, you will remove cumin, fennel, bay leaves and rosemary from the ingredients.

You most add these ingredients to your ofada sauce. They are; ponmo, eggs, crayfish powder, beef or chicken or fish and beef or chicken stock.

Best quality of all the ingredients you need can be found in this shop .

How to make green chilli sauce

While making chilli sauce, the first thing we have to do is to get the paste right. Below you will find how to make green chilli paste.

  • Peel the onions, garlic and ginger
  • clean the peppers in clean water and set aside
  • Pour the peppers, ginger, garlic and onions into your blender.
  • Add vegetable oil and blend to your preferred texture – in most cases, I blend my peppers to a semi-smooth texture.
  • Get a pot big enough to contain the green chilli paste as well as still have some space for mixing.
  • Pour the chilli paste into the pot.
  • Rinse out the remnants of the chilli paste in blender with little water and pour it into the pot.
  • Add bay leaves, salt, chicken seasoning, rosemary, fennel and cumin.
  • Mix well
  • Cover the pot and cook for 20 minutes on medium heat.
  • After 20 minutes, you will notice the oil used to blend the past float to the top.
  • Mix the hot chilli sauce well
  • Cook for an additional 15 minutes but this time leave the pot open
  • Mix the chilli sauce every 5-7 minutes so that it does not get burnt.

Green chilli sauce is ready to enjoyed.


How to use this hot chilli sauce

Let me explain how I use this chilli sauce to spice up my food.

By now you must have realised that this sauce is very spicy and this makes it easy for my to achieve any level of hotness that I want in my foods.

To do this, I simply add a little quantity to my cooked foods such stew, soup , rice, beans and many more.


The food becomes spicy so I can enjoy my spicy foods while my family members can also enjoy their not so spicy foods.

For me this is a win-win situation.

Below is how to store chili sauce when you make in large quantities.

How to store chilli sauce

In most cases, it is more convenient to make chilli sauce in large quantities as it saves a lot of time and efforts.

This also make chilli sauce readily available to you. Truly, how to store chilli after cooking will probably be the next thing you will have to consider.

Of course the large quantities will make you think how to preserve chilli sauce to avoid wastage.

When discussing storage time for chilli sauce, just like every other foods we must consider the method of storage.

Sauce made with this green chilli recipe can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3weeks.

When frozen, it can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months. This is how I keep my hot sauce from going bad

How to preserve Chilli sauce

  • Wash storage bottles or plastic bowls in hot water with soap and sponge.
  • Sterilise the bottles and bowls in hot water
  • Place them on a drain rack to remove the water
  • Fill with the hot sauce
  • Set aside till it cools down completely
  • Cover and place in your fridge or freezer.

Please note that it is better to use plastic bottles, bowls or food grade pouches if you intend to freeze your green chilli sauce.

This is because glass bottles may break when they are frozen.

As a result, using glass storage bottles or bowls are more appropriate when you store in the fridge.

Actually, I prefer to use small sized storage bowl as shown in the video because I can easily reheat them in the microwave without being worried about having leftovers.

How to make green chilli sauce.

To watch the video of this recipe, please click on the YouTube video above. While you are on my YouTube channel please like my video, leave your comment and share as well as subscribe to my channel.

It was be my pleasure to have you as one of my treasured subscribers, Thank you.

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