Some time ago, I posted about the first method on How To Cook Efo Gbagba | Efo Igbo Recipe . In this blog post I will be writing about the second method you can use to cook Efo Igbo.
The English meaning of the word ‘Efo’ is vegetable. Efo is a Yoruba word used to refer to any leafy green vegetable.
This is the reason why many Nigerian recipes of Yoruba origin contain the word ‘Efo’ in them.
Examples of such recipes are stated below
What is Efo Igbo/Efo Gbagba
Efo Igbo is predominantly eaten by Yoruba people in Nigeria. Its other name is Efo Gbagba and in this recipe I will be using both names interchangeably.
Efo Igbo in English is called African Eggplant leaves because the leaves are the leaves of African egg plants which is also called garden eggs in Nigeria or Igba in Yoruba language.
Just as garden egg leaves are used to make delicious soups, garden eggs are also used to make deliciously rich sauce commonly used to eat cooked tuber plants such as boiled yams, boiled sweet potatoes, boiled Irish potatoes and many more.
Learn more about the Garden Egg Sauce | Garden Egg Stew recipe.
Apart from sourcing for Efo gbagba which may be a little hard depending on the season as well as your location, other ingredients are relatively easy to get even when you reside outside Nigeria.
You can shop here to get the ingredients stated below in the United Kingdom.
Ingredients for Efo Igbo elegusi
The following are the ingredients needed for cooking Efo Igbo or Efo gbagba with egusi. Feel free to modify these ingredients to suit your taste.
- 20 efo Igbo leaves
- 1/4 cup of palm oil
- 1 tablespoon iru or locust beans
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 table spoon chicken seasoning
- 1/2 tablespoon kaun/potash
- 3 tablespoons crayfish powder
- 5 pieces of ponmo
- 1 kote fish
- 1/2 cup egusi
- 2 mediun size onions
- 2 bell peppers
- 6 tomatoes
- 5 cayenne peppers
- 7 scotch bonnet peppers
You can shop here to get these ingredients in the United Kingdom.
Now that the ingredients for this recipe have been listed above , I will be moving on to explain how to use these ingredients to make delicious Efo gbagba elegusi.
How to cook Efo igbo with egusi
- Cut the fish into small slices
- Clean the fish slices by removing the insides.
- Rise well and set aside.
- Remove the leaves from the stalk
- Throw the stalk away as it is not needed for this recipe
- Slice the leaves and set aside
- Blend the tomatoes, bell peppers, cayenne peppers, scotch bonnet peppers and onions to a semi-smooth texture.
- Boil about 5 cups of water.
- Get a big enough bowl for rinsing the leaves
- Put Potash in the bowl
- Pour the hot water into the bowl
- Stir till the potash dissolves completely
- Add the sliced leaves and allow simmer for 2-3 minutes
- Drain the water from the leaves by pouring it into a basket/sieve
- Rinse the leaves again with water to get rid of most of the traces of the potash
- Set steamed leaves aside
- Place your pot on the cooker
- Pour palm oil into the pot and allow it heat up briefly
- Add locust beans, blended tomatoes mix, stock fish fillets and ponmo.
- Also add salt, crayfish powder and chicken seasoning.
- Mix well and add the cleaned fishes.
- Cook for 10 minutes then remove the fishes
- It is necessary to remove the fishes so that it does not crumble in the soup because alot of mixing will be done now.
- Add Egusi powder mix well
- Also add water if need
- Cook for 10 minutes
- After 10 minutes, mix the soup well because egusi has a penchant of sticking to the pot
- Put in the steamed vegetables and mix well
- Then put the steamed fishes back in the soup
- Cook for 3-4 minutes
Efo gbagba or Efo Igbo is ready to be enjoyed.

Just like most Nigerian soups, Efo gbagba can be enjoyed with your preferred swallow such as;
- Amala and many more
As always, thank you for reading this recipe to the end. I hope to get a feedback from you when you try out this recipes.
The video form of this recipe is also available on my YouTube channel.
The Online Cook © 2023
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